
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //Grzegorz Wierzowiecki
00002 //This is example application using ZSO-SPNFS library.
00004 #include <arpa/inet.h>
00005 #include <errno.h>
00006 #include <netdb.h>
00007 #include <netinet/in.h>
00008 #include <stdio.h>
00009 #include <stdlib.h>
00010 #include <sys/socket.h>
00011 #include <sys/types.h>
00012 #include <unistd.h>
00013 #include "ZSO-SPNFS_network.hpp"
00015 #include "zsospnfs.h"
00017 #define REMOTEFILENAME "./Entries.txt"
00018 const int LINELEN = 80;
00020 int main(int argc, char **argv){
00021     in_addr_t addr;
00022     int sock;
00023     int portnum;
00024     int retint;
00025     struct sockaddr_in servername;
00027     if(argc <=4){
00028         printf("Client usage:\n%s ip port username password\n", argv[0]);
00029         return 0;
00030     };
00031     addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
00032     if(addr==(-1)){
00033         perror ("Wrong ip address! ip - address (inet_addr).");
00034         exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00035     };
00036     portnum = atoi(argv[2]);
00038     /* Create the socket.   */
00039     sock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
00040     if (sock < 0) {
00041         perror ("socket (client)");
00042         exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00043     }
00045     /* Connect to the server.   */
00046     servername.sin_family = AF_INET;
00047     servername.sin_port = htons ( portnum );
00048     servername.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) &addr;
00049     if (0 > connect (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &servername, sizeof (servername))) {
00050         perror ("connect (client)");
00051         exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00052     };
00054     set_TCP_NODELAY(sock);
00056     printf("Logining (user=%s,pass=%s) ... %s\n", argv[3], argv[4], (retint=spnfs_connect(sock,argv[3],argv[4]))==0?"SUCCESS":"FAILED");
00057     if(retint!=0) return 0;
00059     spnfs_new(sock, REMOTEFILENAME); //I intentionally ignore here potential error, cause most important is to open that file
00061     int fid = spnfs_open(sock, REMOTEFILENAME); 
00063     if(fid < 0){
00064         printf("Sorry... I couldn't open remote file " REMOTEFILENAME);
00065         spnfs_disconnect(sock);
00066         close(sock);
00067         return 0;
00068     };
00070     int n;
00071     long long size;
00073     const int bufsize = 10240;
00074     char *buf=new char[bufsize];
00075     while(1){
00076         printf("Select option ([l/e/c/t/q] for {List/Edit/Cat/Trunc/Quit}):\n");
00077         scanf("%s", buf);
00078         switch(buf[0]){
00079             case 'l':
00080             case 'L':
00081                 spnfs_seek(sock,fid,0,SEEK_SET);
00082                 size = spnfs_size(sock,REMOTEFILENAME);
00083                 n=0;
00084                 for(; size>0; size-=retint){
00085                     retint = spnfs_read(sock,fid,buf,LINELEN);
00086                     if(retint<0){
00087                         fprintf(stderr,"Error while reading from remote file!\n");
00088                         return 0;
00089                     };
00090                     buf[retint] = '\0';
00091                     printf("%3d: %s\n", n++, buf);
00092                 };
00093                 break;
00094             case 'c':
00095             case 'C':
00096                 spnfs_seek(sock,fid,0,SEEK_SET);
00097                 size = spnfs_size(sock,REMOTEFILENAME);
00098                 for(; size>0; size-=retint){
00099                     retint = spnfs_read(sock,fid,buf,bufsize);
00100                     if(retint<0){
00101                         fprintf(stderr,"Error while reading from remote file!\n");
00102                         return 0;
00103                     };
00104                     write(1,buf,retint);
00105                 };
00106                 break;
00107             case 'e':   
00108             case 'E':
00109                 printf("Line number (each has %d bytes):", (int)LINELEN);
00110                 scanf("%d", &n);
00111                 retint = spnfs_seek(sock,fid,n*LINELEN,SEEK_SET);
00112                 if( (n*LINELEN) != spnfs_pos(sock,fid) ){
00113                     printf("Couldn't reach %d byte of file\nMaybe to small file?",n*LINELEN);
00114                     continue;
00115                 };
00116                 retint = spnfs_read(sock,fid,buf,bufsize);
00117                 if(retint<0){
00118                     fprintf(stderr,"Error while reading from remote file!\n");
00119                     return 0;
00120                 };
00121                 buf[retint] = '\0';
00122                 printf("Current line contains:\n%s", buf);
00123                 printf("Please give new data (it will be truncated to LINELEN=%d):\n", LINELEN);
00124                 do{
00125                 fgets(buf, bufsize, stdin);
00126                 } while( strlen(buf) <= 1 );
00127                 buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; //delete enter from the end
00128                 buf[LINELEN] = '\0';
00129                 spnfs_seek(sock,fid,n*LINELEN,SEEK_SET); 
00130                 if( (n*LINELEN) != spnfs_pos(sock,fid) ){
00131                     printf("Couldn't reach %d byte of file\nMaybe to small file?",n*LINELEN);
00132                     continue;
00133                 };
00134                 retint = spnfs_write(sock,fid,buf,LINELEN);
00135                 break;
00136             case 't':
00137             case 'T':
00138                 printf("To which line file should be truncated? (each has %d bytes):", (int)LINELEN);
00139                 scanf("%d", &n);
00140                 retint = spnfs_seek(sock,fid,n*LINELEN,SEEK_SET);
00141                 if( (n*LINELEN) != spnfs_pos(sock,fid) ){
00142                     printf("Couldn't reach %d byte of file\nMaybe to small file?",n*LINELEN);
00143                     continue;
00144                 };
00145                 spnfs_trunc(sock,fid);
00146                 break;
00147             case 'q':
00148             case 'Q':
00149                 printf("Goodbye!");
00150                 delete buf;
00151                 spnfs_close(sock,fid);
00152                 spnfs_disconnect(sock);
00153                 close (sock);
00154                 return 0;
00155                 break;
00156             default:
00157                 printf("First letter unrecognized\nTry again\n");
00158         };
00159     };      
00160     //never reached
00161     delete buf;
00162     spnfs_close(sock,fid);
00163     spnfs_disconnect(sock);
00164     close (sock);
00165     return 0;
00166 };

Generated on Mon Jan 21 12:09:51 2008 for ZSO - Simple Prototype of Network File System by  doxygen 1.5.4